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One of my biggest interests is traveling.  I have been to many different parts of the country as well as many different tropical islands.  I enjoy seeing different parts of the world and being able to see how different people live their everyday lives. Some day I hope to be able to travel to Europe and experience different cities and their way of live.  Another interest of mine is sports.  I am an active person so I not only enjoy watching them, but playing them as well.  Growing up I played lacrosse, basketball, and softball while also being a competitive cheerleader.  Once I got to high school, I focused mainly on lacrosse and cheerleading.  Now that I am not on any official team, it is fun to have a catch every once in awhile when the weather is nice or to volunteer my time helping out my past cheerleading teams.  Because I am no longer on any official sports teams, I have lately picked up an interest in running and have recently signed up for the 2014 Broad Street Run taking place this May.

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