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Web Design Intern

  • Wild Blackberry Studio Summer Web Design Internship 2020 – Program Outline:
    1. Weekly calls – discuss program goals, cover training topics, progress
    2. Your own site build project
    3. Training topics may include
      1. Intro to cpanel
      2. Set up subdomain – install wordpress
      3. Gutenberg editor
      4. WPBakery Editor
      5. Other editors
      6. Plugins
      7. Widgets
      8. Themes
      9. Image prep
      10. Design process and planning
      11. Wireframe software for planning
      12. Integrations
      13. Building pages, containers
      14. Post types
      15. Slider plugins
      16. Contact forms plugins
      17. Troubleshooting
      18. Whatever else comes up while we are working
    4. Design process & planning working sessions
    5. Some client and partner call shadowing.


  • During my tenure at WildBlackberry Studio, I focused primarily on building and developing my own website from scratch utilizing WordPress.


  • This experience has helped me learn advanced techniques and plug-ins used with WordPress to create a much more user friendly site while also implementing my own design and ideas to a web site. This internship has allowed me to develop an intermediate understanding of WordPress and how to apply it to business situations.
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