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Internal Firm Services Start Summer Intern at PwC

As a Start-IFS Intern at PwC this summer, I was able to learn about the different Lines of Services, PwC offers. PwC is one of the top 4 professional services firms in the world that offer many different types of services such as audit, assurance, tax and consulting services. Their mission is to solve complex issues and identify their opportunities. Since I am a MIS major, the lines of service that would fit my needs the best would be, Advisory as an IT consultant or Assurance (Risk Assurance) in the Enterprise Systems Solutions practice. I was able to shadow in the Risk Assurance department and talk to people who majored or minored in MIS as an undergraduate in college. In that specialty group, there is a analytical side and a non analytical side. They work closely with ERP systems such as SAP, Oracle, and Salesforce just to name a few. I found this very intriguing because I already learned a little about ERP systems in my 2101 class with hands on experience working with Salesforce.  The three major projects in the PwC ESS practice are CI (Control Integration), GRC (Governance, Risk & Compliance), and EIT (Enterprise Insights) Analytics. CI is looking at the controls a company has and the risks and making sure the company is covering and handling those risks. GRC is another way to make sure companies are assessing risks appropriately. EIT is a data and analyticsdriven technology platform that gives organizations dynamic visibility into their governance, risk and compliance initiatives.

For this internship, I was legally, not able to do any hands on work experience that involves a client but I was able to shadow the different LOS’s and see where I would be able to fit in. My role this summer was learning more about the PwC firm and trying to figure out what practice I would want to be in for next year.

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