Junior | Accounting Major | Entrepreneruship Minor

Course Work

Completed Courses:

  • ECON 1101: Macroeconomic Principles
  • HRM 1101: Leadership & Organizational Management
  • STAT 1102: Calculus for Business
  • ECON 1102: Microeconomic Principles
  • LGLS 1101: Legal Environment of Business
  • STAT 2103: Statistical Business Analytics
  • MIS 2101: Information Systems in Organizations
  • BA 2101: Professional Development Strategies
  • BA 2104: Excel for Business Applications
  • MKTG 2101: Marketing Management
  • FIN 3101: Financial Management
  • SGM 3503: Innovation that Works: Building and Assessing Innovative Business Models
  • ACCT 2101: Financial Accounting
  • ACCT 2521: Cost Accounting
  • ACCT 3511: Intermediate Accounting I
  • ACCT 3526: Accounting Information Systems

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