Junior | Accounting Major | Entrepreneruship Minor


Sports have been a huge part of my life since I began first grade. I began playing baseball mainly because most of my friends also played. So, I played baseball for a few years but was never truly passionate about it. After my short-lived baseball career came to an end, I started to play basketball. At the time, I had no prior knowledge of the sport so I worked strenuously with my father to learn and develop my skills as quickly as possible. I happened to be a fast learner and immediately grew a passion for basketball. As I continued to mature, my game also matured and I was very proud of my strong dedication to the sport. During my tenure playing basketball, I played in multiple leagues, ranging from recreational teams up to travel and tournament teams. I stopped playing basketball when I entered high school to exert all of my efforts to my school work.

Although I ceased playing organized sports in high school, my love for them did not go away. I have always been a diehard Philadelphia baseball (Phillies), basketball (76ers), and football (Eagles) fan. For as long as I can remember, every winter, my dad and I have gone to numerous Sixers game in South Philadelphia, but I learned a lot about basketball and life from Allen Iverson. Similar to Iverson, I was normally the shortest player on the court but that did not limit either of our abilities. Allen Iverson always voiced his opinions and I have definitely taken that aspect from him.

Currently, I still aspire to maintain my athletic physicality so I jog and lift weights. I take pride in my physical stature so it is very motivational to watch myself grow. Other than sports, I love to listen to music and spend time with family and friends. I grew up listening to hip-hop and rap music but I gradually grew a liking for rock and alternative music.

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