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I have always had an interest in the history of the United States, especially the historic locations attributed to key events.  Every summer I like to travel to a different destination, we have seen pictures all over the various media types, but you cannot get a true feel for a place until you have been there.  After all, we live where it all started. (some Bostonians may disagree). We have so many vast cultures right here it would be a shame not to experience them.

BOSTON 2010      

Boston is truly a great city, with a lot of pride and history to back it up. During my visit here I got to experience some amazing locations, such as the USS Constitution, Quincy Market, Boston’s business district of course; Cheers.



USS Constitution

USS Constitution












Site of Gettysburg Address

Site of Gettysburg Address

  Spot were the Gettysburg Address was read by President Lincoln










So much history right in our on backyard.

Meeting room of Continental Congress

Meeting room of Continental Congress

The room were the Constitution was signed in Independence Hall.



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