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When one thinks of artificial intelligence they probably think of killer machines sent from the future to cause the destruction of humanity. The truth is while we have not figured out how to create a fully functioning Terminator, humanity has made huge developments in AI technology in the past twenty years. This aspect of information technology has stimulated career and company growth while changing the vision of the future.

Many consider the race for artificial intelligence began with the design of The Logic Theorist. Created by Allen Newell, Cliff Shaw, and Herbert Simon, The Logic Theorist is deemed by many as the first AI program. It was supposed to copy human problem solving skills but sadly was never created. Artificial Technology flourished during the past twenty years. In 1997, IBM created a chess playing computer program named Deep Blue which would defeat reigning world chess champion and grandmaster Gary Kasparov. Today we see AI implementation in cars, big data, toys, and most famously Sophia the robot made by Hanson Robotics.

In MIS2502 (Data Analytics) there is a concept of Dimensional Data Modeling. It is different from entity-relationship modeling due to the fact that it focuses on end-user delivery and uses the concepts of facts and dimensions. Since there is a lot of mathematical equations involved the process of data modeling, it is a very intense field to work in. Companies have already started to implement AI in their business systems.

SAP Software Solutions created a cloud platform named HANA used to manage databases of information companies collect. Domo’s artificial intelligence program for Business Dashboard pulls data from different applications such as, Salesforce, Facebook, and Square to obtain data from customers to predict products that would draw potential sales.

Not only is AI improving the data modeling aspect in companies, it is also stimulating career growth. Companies are looking for established employees skilled in biometrics, machine learning platforms, text analysis, and more.


Selected References


“AITopics.” A Brief History of AI,

Dooley, Brian J. “Hiring Trends in Artificial Intelligence.” UpSide, 31 Oct. 2017,

Quora. “What Companies Are Winning The Race For Artificial Intelligence?” Forbes, Forbes Magazine, 24 Feb. 2017,


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