Temple University


  • Volunteered for Working Families, Free Tax Preparation, Financial Education, Asset Building Products and Services. Tax Preparer. Served more than 200 customers per week
  • Volunteered for Association of des Jeunes Ressortissants de Moussadou. Organizer and leader of the team.  Maintaining a Clean and Safe environment.
  • Emmaus High School Soccer Team, player
  •  Assistant General Manager and Storage Manager
  • Increased profit margin by 95 %, by making collection calls and offering storage service and moving supplies to truck customers.
  • Assist in inventory control management.
  • Manage daily transactions, serve 200 plus customers per day.
  • Start as Customer Service Representative. Promoted to Assistant General Manager.
  • Handle customer objections and resolve the issues
  •  Customer Service Representative
  • Processed Computer to view and Schedule customer reservations.
  • Handle and Close when needed, Handle daily transactions
  • Reduced delinquent payment by 20% and increased occupancy was at 98%, by motivating team through leadership example.


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