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Turn Social Distancing Into an Opportunity to Create Social Closeness

This webinar delved into the methods the internal communications team at Philip Morris International (PMI) used during the COVID-19 pandemic to maintain engagement among its global workforce, increase clarity and confidence in the company’s ability to deliver transformation, and provide employees with necessary tools to transition to the digital workplace. The event was led by Bessie Kokalis Pescio, Vice President of Global Internal Communications at Philip Morris International (PMI). Ms. Pescio highlighted five focus areas PMI targeted to accomplish its goals: relevancy, clarity and confidence, consistency, leadership and visibility, and unity and connection. To find success, the company used a three-step model that entailed finding a platform, finding inspiration, and turning a challenge into an opportunity. PMI found inspiration from The New York Times wellness challenge, in which employees harnessed their passions in food and music to ultimately enhance internal communications within the company’s new digital work environment.

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