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Fox Business Communication Center


Peer Tutor, August 2020-Present

As a peer tutor for the Fox Business Communication Center, I aid two to ten students daily in writing and editing Business Communications assignments for a tutoring center that caters to Temple’s 8,500+ Fox students. I also provide clients with additional resources such as MLA and APA citation guides and databases to find scholarly articles. After each appointment, I craft post-session client report forms to discuss mechanical, stylistic, and structural edits, as well as any overall comments regarding the appointment.

Social Media Coordinator, August 2020-Present

As the Social Media Coordinator for the Fox Business Communication Center, I post weekly informational updates, writing and grammar tips, and tutor introductions to the center’s Instagram page. Through this role, I developed strong graphic design skills through using Canva to create color-coordinated, visually appealing posts. Furthermore, I created several mini series—including Tip Tuesday, Word Choice Wednesday, and Meet the Tutors—to increase engagement among the page’s audience.

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