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My name: My name is one of my favorite things about myself, particularly because I was named after Alanis Morissette.

TV shows I’m watching right now: I am currently waiting for the new seasons of All American and Extracurricular to come on Netflix. I also love Shark Tank and The Office.

Apps I visit daily: I use Instagram and Twitter daily to share funny content with my friends. I’ve also been using TikTok lately to find recipe ideas.

Favorite things to do outside of school and work: I absolutely love the restaurant scene in Philadelphia; I always go out to eat and try new restaurants. Some of my favorites are Picanha Brazilian Steakhouse, Del Frisco’s, and Tierra Colombiana. I also love fashion, specifically sneakers and streetwear. Besides eating and shopping, I love to sing and play the piano.

Languages: I have always been passionate about learning new languages to enhance my communication skills. So far, I am fluent in both English and Spanish, and proficient in Ukrainian. I am currently learning Arabic and plan to learn Italian and French in the future.

Coolest thing I’ve ever done: In 2011, I went to Turks and Caicos for my mom and stepdad’s wedding. During the trip, we went snorkeling and horseback riding on the beach; it was one of the most beautiful places I have ever visited.

My proudest atypical accomplishment: I earned a Bachelor of Arts degree when I graduated from high school! Central High School is the only high school in the nation that can grant its students degrees. Though it does not actually carry the same power as a college-level Bachelor’s degree, it is still a pretty cool accomplishment.

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