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Business Communications Proposal: Owl Chest

Last year in my Business Communications class (BA 2196), I crafted a proposal for a new sustainability program called Owl Chest to alleviate the issues of housing insecurity and improper furniture disposal at Temple University. I conducted extensive research and administered surveys among my peers to gain insight regarding the severity of these coexisting issues at Temple University. I created a detailed timeline and budget to plan for the proper implementation of Owl Chest. For the full written proposal, click HERE. For the proposal presentation, click HERE.


Macroeconomics Project: An Economic Study on Diet in Low-Income Communities

In my Principles of Macroeconomics class (ECON 1901), I did a research project that analyzed obesity from a macroeconomic perspective. I delved into the connection between diet choices and low-income communities, particularly locations deemed as “food deserts.” I utilized observations from my own community, specifically the lack of grocery stores and prevalence of convenience stores, to support my research. In my study, I ultimately proved that though unhealthy dietary decisions may not be advantageous from a nutritional perspective, they certainly are from an economic standpoint. To view the full study, click HERE. For the presentation, click HERE.


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