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Personal Interests


Academically and professionally I like to push myself but still understand the importance of a positive work life balance.  As a release, I enjoy submersing myself athletically.  The Pearson McGonigle Halls on campus have excellent basketball courts and students are almost always playing pick-up basketball.  I make sure I play at least a few times a week in order to stay energized.  Playing basketball, both through intramurals and pick-up, is also really enjoyable because it gives me an opportunity to keep meeting new people.  I like building relationships and staying involved athletically definitely gives me the opportunity to do so.



I love trying new things and accepting challenges.  As a result, I have begun teaching myself Mandarin Chinese.  It is fun and interesting to train my brain to think another way.  The structure of Mandarin Chinese is much different than that of the English language, which fascinates me.  I plan to become proficient using pinyin than move on to developing my writing skills using traditional Chinese characters.

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