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My Experience

My Experience & Future

My Experience

Gameroom Attendant,huck E Cheese’s, For four months, I worked an eight hour shift assisted guest who have token or ticket problem, monitoring the safety of guests, and cleaned tables, floors, games, delivered foods to tables, and made minor repairs of token and tickets jam. Although this sounds like a single job accomplished with ease. It come with high level of responsibility. Guest safety can be devastating to the company reputation and financial loss. In addition to having a clean and enjoy envormental for guest to visit and enjoy.

My Future

Post Graduation, After graduation, I would like to get a job in the insurance sector. Before I can decide on a career path. I plan to get more experience though internships. Currently, I am seeking an internship position for the summer of 2013. Feel free to view my resume. If you like what you see, feel free to contact me!  

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