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Extra-curricular Activities

Extra-curricular activities

School can be challenging especially been a full time student and working to meet one’s needs, but  my experience in college will not be complete without engaging in some extra-curricular activities. Some of the activities that I am involved in include:

National Association of Black Accountants (NABA) Temple Chapter


  • Participate in weekly meetings and network with peers and professionals that visit us during our meeting hours.
  • Attended the 2013 Eastern Regional Students’ Conference in Bethesda, Maryland and networked with many professionals of corporate America and peers from other universities.
  •  Through NABA, I’ve learned a lot about professional development and hoping to be a professional soon.

Temple Toastmasters


  • Prepare and deliver speeches at our weekly meetings to improve on my public speaking skills and fellow toastmasters evaluate each others speeches.
  • Attend and participate in the club’s public speaking competitions around the Philadelphia community and network with members from other schools and those in the work force.

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