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Performance Management: Employee Engagement

  • Title of the activity: Performance Management: Employee Engagement
  • Term of the activity:  Spring 2022
  • Name of sponsoring organization: LinkedIn Learning
  • Details of the activity: Online Learning Course 
  • What I learned:  I learned impactful techniques and leadership skills I can utilize to strengthen my managerial, engagement, and organizational leadership skills. In addition, I learned how to measure and evaluate engagement efforts, and how to adjust the work or organizational atmosphere based on the environment, such as if the team is working remotely, in-person, or in a hybrid. 
  • How the activity relates to my coursework/career goals: This course was practical and beneficial for me to complete because I was able to utilize the skills and information provided immediately. I am currently responsible for leading teams and I love learning how I can be a more effective leader. I care about the people on my team and want to make sure that I am using the best strategies to engage them. 

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