Be so good they can't ignore you – Steve Martin

Let’s Get Personal

On this page, you will learn more about my personal life and what I like to do for fun and what clubs and activities I am involved with!

Temple University Women’s Rugby Football Club:

  • I began playing rugby when I was a sophomore in high school for a local club team.  I decided to continue playing when I came to Temple. This year I was nominated Captain for the fall and spring seasons.
  • Click HERE to view the Temple Women’s Rugby Website to see more pictures of my team and I from games and tournaments we’ve competed in!

Fox School of Business – American Marketing Association

  • I joined the American Marketing Association (AMA) my sophomore year of college.  Joining this club helped me get out of my comfort zone and into the mindset of joining the workforce in just a few short years.  
  • I attend weekly General Body meetings and bi-weekly committee meetings.  I am involved with the Events Coordinator Committee and my duties involve planning and promoting social and networking events for AMA.
  • Below is a picture of a friend and I working an AMA table last year!

Summer 2014 Study Abroad Rome

  • Many college graduates say that one thing they wish they did in school was study abroad.  Not wanting to miss out on a great opportunity, I decided to apply for Temple’s Education Abroad program and, as luck may have it, I was accepted to study in Rome this summer!
  • I will be in Rome for 6 weeks from May 21st to July 5th.  While I am over there, I plan on traveling to Greece and Spain!  I cannot wait to immerse myself in the local culture, cuisines, and lifestyle of the Romans!
  • Below are pictures of the first time I was in Italy back in 2011.  I went with a group of my friends from high school our senior year for a week and traveled to Venice, Florence, Pisa, and Rome!

Venice           Venice2






In my spare time, I like to:

  • Travel to different cities and countries
  • Go to different restaurants throughout the city
  • Spend time with my family and friends
  • Go to Sea Isle City, NJ in the summer time!

My friends and I scuba diving in Turks and Caicos!

3 Responses to Let’s Get Personal

  • Side note: When I go back to Italy this summer, I am making it one of my goals to visit the coast of Italy and put my feet in the Mediterranean Sea!

  • Looks like you’re a busy bee! Your e-profile is very organized, easy to navigate through, and pleasant to read. It’s crazy to see how many things your doing at once. You seem to appreciate everything you do and use each opportunity as a chance to learn while having fun. Keep it up girlfriend! I can only see this profile getting bigger in the future.

  • Wow Annemarie, I thought my life was interesting! Besides being involved in a student organization, you also are on the Rugby team, that is very impressive. On top of that your traveling pictures are magnificent. From reading this page I have come to realize how motivated you are to being a successful professional. Great work!

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