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Career Interests & Aspirations

After I graduate with my Bachelors Degree I plan to start my career in the financial field.  My dream would be working on Wall Street in New York City.  Although for my more moderate aspirations, I would be extremely happy just to receive a job in my field right out of college.  I would like to start working full time, with the company allowing me to further my education and obtain my MBA.  Eventually, I want to work my way up to management, and Chief Financial Officer.  This will help me acquire and progress my leadership skills, along with working with diverse groups, and investing extraordinary size budgets.  I am very determined in achieving my outcome, and will not give up until I am on top.  My heaviest interest lies in the stock market and the investment aspect of the field of Finance.  The company I prefer to work for would be socially responsible, while giving back to the community, and showing good corporate governance.

The two quotes that best describe me:
“You can accomplish anything you put your mind to.”
“I know the price of success; dedication, hard work, and an unremitting devotion to the things you want to see happen.”




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