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Learning Data Science: Tell Stories With Data

Data science has complex ideas about data and results. That’s why it takes a well-structured story to communicate these insights to others. It’s not simply a matter of creating the perfect Excel sheet or a beautiful graph. You need to tell a story that captures your audience’s imagination and encourages them to take some action. In this course, instructor Doug Rose explained how to weave together a great data science story and draw an audience into the story to communicate complex ideas and motivate everyone to make real changes.

Summary of Skills Learned

  • Explain the benefits of using scenarios as story helpers.
  • Explore how using conflict in a story can captivate your audience.
  • Determine how details will enhance a story and make it memorable.
  • Recall the downfalls of using too many visualizations.
  • Define vision in the context of data-science storytelling.
  • Recognize the features of good storytelling.

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