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Feeding the Homeless During Covid Lockdown

Our goal was to help people in this country who were facing food insecurity. Even in the face of the pandemic Covid-19, millions of children and adults go hungry every day, we have remained committed to our goal of ending hunger. We worked tirelessly to ensure that farmers, suppliers, and retailers provided healthy food to those in need. Despite the fact that there is enough food in the United States to feed every man, woman, and child, 72 billion pounds of healthy, edible food is wasted each year. Meat, more than any other product, ends up in landfills and incinerators. We worked with manufacturers, distributors, retailers, food service companies, and farmers to collect food that would have gone to waste otherwise. What distribute basic needs for the less fortunate on the streets of Philadelphia. Instead of giving them money & risking what they may buy with that money such as drugs, alcohol, We offer them hot meals, water & some warm clothing like hats & gloves.



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