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Academic History & Achievements




Since my academic career has begun at Temple University, I have made my family and myself proud. Every day I continue to work hard to continue the outstanding work and achievements that I have accomplished thus far.





Fox School of Business’s Dean’s List

While striving for the best and working hard to achieve all my goals, I was able to make Fox’s School of Business’ Dean’s List for Spring 2013.




download (1)Golden Key International Honor Society

With core values including community service, Golden Key is an international honor society committed to a high standard of scholastic achievement, and an ethos of integrity, innovation, respect, collaboration and diversity. I am highly engaged with this organization. Since being inducted into the Golden Key International Honor Society, I have been able to attend varieties of events including a speaker event, where Hillary Clinton was the keynote speaker.




download (2)National Society of Leadership and Success Honor Society

The Society is an organization that helps people discover and achieve their goals. The Society offers life-changing lectures from the nation’s leading presenters and a community where like-minded, success-oriented individuals come together and help one another succeed. The Society also serves as a powerful force of good in the greater community by encouraging and organizing action to better the world.

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