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As a kid, I grew up in the water. I learned to swim at just 6 months old and was on a swim team by the age of 8, which might seem crazy and impossible, but is an accomplishment that I will cherish for the rest of my life.  My family use to call me the family fish. When I was in middle school, I started to play soccer, which I continued in high school. I grew a passion for soccer and by my junior year I was team captain.




City HallEver since 4th grade, even though I was young myself, I have loved working with young children in my community. My volunteer work experience throughout the years have helped and inspired me to identify my love for helping kids. For 5 years I’ve volunteered with New Rochelle Youth Court as a peer adjudicator. This program rehabilitates 1st time youth offenders. As a defense attorney, I had a client engaged in a disorderly conduct in response to a racist act; my persistence resulted in reduced community service hours and an apology essay. From this incident, my client started an organization called UNITY— selling t-shirts with the slogan “My Eyes See No Color”; the funds raised were donated to charity. Changing a life is an unforgettable and an amazing triumph.



songcatchers logoFor the past five years, I have volunteered at an after school musical program called Songcatchers. I taught kids from the ages 7-14 how to play the violin; an instrument I have been playing for 11 years. When I was younger, I attended Songcatchers and my high school mentor became my best friend. She taught me, and she inspired me. Now it is my turn to make a difference and help others reach their potential and goals. I strive to teach the young violinists that the hard work of practicing finger work is essential. I help them to understand that they have to practice the parts that they do not play well over and over. Every week is different. Different fun, different challenges, different atmosphere, and I love every minute of it. During my first year volunteering, a young 2nd grade girl named Arielle told me she despised coming to Songcatchers because she felt she was a horrible violinist. She believed getting better would be impossible. However, I wasn’t going to give up on Arielle. I encouraged her with hugs and high fives. On the day of her first recital, we were both nervous. She played her piece as we had practiced it so many times, and she played it perfectly. After the recital, she ran up to me crying. As she gave me a strong hug, she told me that she was so proud of herself. Moments like these are unforgettable, which makes me strive to continue giving back to my community.




downloadEvery thanksgiving I help to feed homeless children with a program that I was once apart of, S.T.E.P. (Science and Technology Entry Program). We try to give the children have a wonderful holiday like every other children, and when Christmas comes around we buy the same kids Christmas presents and wrap them up. Giving back to the community never stops for me.

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