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Course History

templeAcademic Courses at Temple University

Completed Courses:

ECON 1101:  Macroeconomic Principles

STAT 1001:  Pre-Calculus for Business

ECON 1102:  Microeconomic Principles

HRM 1101:  Leadership & Organizational Management

STAT 1102:  Calculus for Business

ACCT 2101:  Financial Accounting

LGLS 1101:  Legal Environment of Business

STAT 2103:  Business Statistics

ACCT 2102:  Managerial Accounting

BA 2101:  Professional Development Strategies

ECON 3581:  Coop Experience in Economics

MKTG 2101:  Marketing Management

Current Courses:

BA 2196:  Business Communications

FIN 3101:  Financial Management

MIS 2101:  Information Systems in Organizations

MSOM 3101:  Operations Management

RMI 2101:  Intro to Risk Management

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