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AIS Mentorship Program

Fall 2020

I was able to participate in the mentorship program provided by AIS as a mentee this past semester. Luke, my mentor, was able to connect me to 3 other MIS students as well as a professor. Being a new major this semester, I thought this networking opportunity was the most impactful activity we did as I got to learn a bit more about my classmates and the department.

Luke guided me through choosing classes and professors so that my courses would provide me the best experience possible. Because his MIS journey was similar to mine in that he switched to MIS late, his stories and experience coming through helped me come up with my plan for the rest of my time at Temple.

Overall, I am very glad that I was afforded this mentorship opportunity. I expect to either act as a mentor in coming semesters or be a mentee again because I think this was a valuable experience.

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