Community Platform
  • Artificial intelligence
  • Data analytics
  • Human resource management systems
  • Web design
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Mis 2101 – Explaining the role of information technology as a business enabler and to identify and explain management information systems applications including customer relationship management systems, enterprise systems, transaction processing systems, business analytics, and emerging technologies.  You must evaluate the organizational fit and suitability of business applications and interpret the interaction between information technology, customers, processes, data, infrastructure, participants, and the environment in an organization.

International Business – Tells us about the movement of goods from one country to another (exporting, importing, trade) contractual agreements that allow foreign firms to use products, services, and processes from other nations (licensing, franchising).

Msom 3101 – Management Science and Operational Management (Msom) is concerned with the application of mathematics and computer methods to manage problems. The focus is on how to combine concepts, models, and data to help managers develop better systems and make better decisions concerning operations.

Finance 3101 – Focuses on ratios, equities, and debts. It is useful for portfolio management, distribution of dividends, capital raising, hedging and looking after fluctuations in foreign currency and product cycles.

Public Speaking – Is the process of speaking live. It is to help us get over the anxiety or fear to speak in front of others. It helps with social skills, confidence, increase comfort level, become an effective volunteer.

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