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About me


A little bit about my background, I was born in Washington DC in 1993 and have lived all over the east coast as far south as Atlanta, GA and as far south as Syracuse, NY since my birth but stayed in Maryland the longest and that is where I grew up. My mother was a flight attended for 30+ years before taking leave after 9/11 and my father is an IT specialist who works with the DOD in Afghanistan and has been there for about two years now.

I have one sister, who is one year younger than me that is also studying business.

I have always has an interest in legal work and law and was initially majoring in that but when I took an intro course in Risk i fell in love with it and immediately changed my major. I came to Temple in 2011 with one of my best friend from high school and have had the most wonderful experience at this university. I can say that temple has given me fundamental knowledge that has exceede my expectations that I hope to only learn more.

My future goals are to have what most would call the “american dream”. friends and family are what I value most and i will make sure in the future that everyone I care for will be taken care of

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