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Academic History


I was born and grew up in Meudon La Foret, France. It is a city located in the Paris’ suburbs. I did my whole academic development in this area. To me it is important to mention it because the Paris’ suburbs is a zone where all social classes are represented and a wonderful zone of diversity. Growing up in this environment teach you to respect everybody and to mix yourself with everybody. I have honestly always been a good student. To me it started to be interesting in High School. I went to one of the best high school of my area: Lycée Rabelai, Meudon. I was in the best class of this high school. I graduated in jun 2012 and got accepted to Temple University Fox School of Business.

I started a Business Management Bachelor which I switched for Marketing 6 months after. I entered the Fox School Dean’s List 2 times (*Business Management) and my actual GPA is : 3.23. my Major GPA is 3.56


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