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Personal Interests

As a full-time college student and full-time employee I have little to no time to do extracurricular activities. However, whenever I do have a little extra time I try to make the most of it with basketball. Growing up I have always been a huge sports fan. I enjoy the ups and downs of rooting for my hometown team. I love the pride and competitiveness that goes along with every game and intensity in every rivalry.

Usually a person fixates on a particular sport or a particular team, but I have just never been able to do that. I love all four major sports and if another sport (that is not considered the major four) is on TV I will check it out. There is nothing better than being at a stadium, no matter the sport, and relishing in the victory with those around you, or even in loathing with those same people when your team is down. No matter what the circumstance at a sporting event, it brings together everyone around you and that is why I love it so much.

Every year I join local Philadelphia basketball leagues in order to fulfill my competitive needs. I love all sports, but basketball does not involve buying too much equipment or reserving a rink/field. All basketball needs is a ball and a playground. Also, it is a sport you can play yourself or with ten people, no matter the circumstances basketball always seems to be a sport that can free my mind and allows me to just have no worries, that’s why I love it so much.

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