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Career Objectives

After reading the book Major in Success by Patrick Combs, I have been motivated to find a career doing something that I love and am very passionate about.

Sports have always been a passion of mine. This, coupled with inspiration from my internship with a market research company, has inspired a new career goal for me.

I have always believed that market research is a tool that must be employed by nearly all businesses in order to maximize efficiency. This reigns true now more than ever, with the economy still in recovery, and companies world-wide all seeking to cut costs wherever they can. I believe that market research is one of the most powerful tools at the disposal of any company who seeks to minimize costs while maximizing profits.

Furthermore, I believe that there is a humongous need for market research in the sports and entertainment industry. From minor league teams all the way up to the major leagues, there are ways to make expenditures draw more fans. More fans means more revenue from tickets as well as in-game expenditures. All of this translates into increased revenue for the organization.

After establishing myself in the industry, and gaining much-needed experience with an established and well-known firm in the market research industry, I would like to one day open own firm, specializing in sports.

I believe that I could help an organization turn this:



Into this:


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