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  • Accounting information systems (AIS)
  • Data analytics
  • Database management systems
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Academic History and Coursework

I grew up locally in the Philadelphia area and attended Methacton High School in Eagleville, PA. At Methacton I was a member of the National Honor Society and the Varsity Golf Team for four years. I graduated in June of 2011 with Honors and started my academic career at Temple University in the Fall.


I am currently pursuing an undergraduate degree in Management Information Systems with a minor in Accounting at Temple University’s Fox School of Business.I am on track to graduate in December of 2015. I have been on the dean’s list since fall 2011, and currently have a 3.67 GPA. I am a member of the National Collegiate Honor Society, Golden Key International Honor Society,  the National Society of Leadership and Success, and Beta Gamma Sigma.

Below are the courses I have taken at Temple University’s Fox School of Business:

  • Micro Economic Principles
  • Analytical Reading and Writing
  • Leadership and Organization Management
  • World Affairs
  • Calculus 1
  • Calculus 2
  • Legal Environment of Business
  • Mosaic: Humanities Seminar 1
  • Mosaic: Humanities Seminar 2
  • Macro Economic Principles
  • Financial Accounting
  • Professional Development Strategies
  • Human Sexuality
  • Introduction to Risk Management
  • Business Statistics
  • Cost Accounting
  • Marketing Management
  • Operations Management
  • The History & Significance of Race in America
  • Intermediate Accounting 1
  • Intermediate Accounting 2
  • Business Society and Ethics
  • People, Places, and the Environment
  • Financial Management
  • Information Systems and Organizations
  • Accounting Information Systems
  • Business Communications
  • Enterprise IT Architecture
  • Data Analytics
  • Data-Centric Application Development
  • Digital Design and Innovation
  • Fundamentals of International Business
  • Integrative Business Applications
  • Federal Taxes on Income
  • Sustainable Environments
  • Exploring Music
  • Application Integration and Evaluation
  • Lead Global Digital Projects
  • Global Business Policies



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