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Academic History and Application/Software Experience

Temple University (2012-2016 expected)

Major: Finance

GPA: 3.07

Business classes completed:

Honors Business Statistics (in progress)

Honors Calculus for Business

Honors Leadership and Organizational Management

Honors Microeconomics

Financial Accounting (in progress)

Information Systems in Organizations (in progress)


Legal Environment of Business

Scarborough High School (2008-2012)

GPA (weighted): 3.93

GPA (unweighted): 3.67

AP/Honors classes completed:

AP U.S. Government and AP U.S. History

Honors Calculus

Honors English (sophomore-senior)

Honors Biology, Chemistry, and Physics

Other significant classes completed:

Digital Design (web design)

Computer Applications (word and excel focused)

Speech and Debate

Applications/Software Experience:

Microsoft Word, Excel (formulas, data analysis, pivot tables), and PowerPoint

Microsoft Customer Relationship Management System (CRM)

SAP Sales Order Processing

Adobe Dreamweaver

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