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Operations Intern at KickUp, Inc.

Over the summer, I worked as and Operations Intern in Center City Philadelphia with the EdTech company KickUp, Inc. I gained an immense amount of experience in this position, as I played a huge role in building this company’s Operations Department from the ground up through developing, building, and implementing the first ever company CRM system, Salesforce.

Before I took on this role, the company had very little grasp on actual figures for any performance metrics, specifically in regards to the Sales Division. In this position, I worked to design custom data capture instruments, including process builders and workflows, to track and provide valuable and meaningful insights on clients, company sales metrics, and overall financial health.

When I finished building the framework for Salesforce, I then used my skills and background in Data Visualization to develop a series of reports and dashboards to provide visually stimulating results of my findings. Because of the work I completed in this role, the company now has an automated system to regularly track and report on sales metrics, track and forecast financial health, and find meaningful insights on both prospects and current clients to further the Team’s ability to define its ideal client.

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