Legal Studies & Real Estate Major | Junior | Fox School of Business

Involvement at Temple



Since Temple University is a huge school and many people feel lost in a school so big, being involved in clubs and organizations make Temple feel like a smaller school because you get to know more and more people. In addition, I like to feel like I am apart of something so  I am involved in a few clubs and organizations.

I am part of a sorority called Alpha Epsilon Phi.  I have been a member for a year, and have done so much due to this organization.  I have done many hours of community service as well as raised a significant amount of money for Pediatric Aid and Breast Cancer.

I am in the Law Fraternity called Phi Alpha Delta (PAD).  This is a nationally known fraternity.  I recently have become a member this year. We have weekly meetings that I enjoy attending.  In the meetings we have wonderful guest speakers who come to talk about their jobs that deal with law, like lawyers, judges, paralegals, law enforcers, and more. We also have debates that I enjoy partaking in.

I am also in a club/course called Maimonides.  I have taken the first class and now onto the second class which is the second part of the course.  In this course we learn about Judaism.  We learn the deeper understanding as well as all about the culture, heritage, and the values.  After passing these two classes, you are offered a trip to Israel, which I would love to attend.

I am an intern for the Jewish Heritage Program.  This is a leadership and mentoring program that I am involved in.  We plan and host social events to get people together. I have been a member for two and a half years now and enjoy being a part of this program.

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