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In 2002-2003 I had the wonderful opportunity to work with the University of Pennsylvania Nursing Dept. along with several members of my church and other members of local congregations.  This was a very rewarding pilot project conducted by the UOP entitled, UNIVERSITY OF PENNSYLVANIA CHURCH AND FAMILY HEALTH PROMOTION PROJECT!   This project allowed me to attend extensive training sessions in preparation of facilitating 5 consecutive Saturday classroom sessions to parents.  My role as facilitator was to teach and help make parents aware of their responsibility and role to promote healthy choices to their teenage children regarding HIV/AIDS awareness and abstinence, which was the name of the curriculum.  I was trained how to conduct each session using various props, presentations, statistical reports, role-reversals, videos, demonstrations and Q&A sessions at the conclusion of each Saturday session.   The setting was very comfortable and informal.   Each session was educational; a wealth of knowledge and information, some of which most of the parents did not know.  Also, at the conclusion of each day’s session the parents, teenagers and both myself and the teenage children facilitator met together to discuss and access what they learned and how it should be applied.  There were times of genuine heart-felt honestly from both the children and their parents as they expressed their concerns and fears regarding these sensitive matters.    The families were diverse and most from low-income brackets.  Each child, parent and facilitator were compensated for their weekly participation.   I enjoyed working with them and believe many seeds of hope and encouragement were planted for the many parents  and teenagers…..male and female…who participated in this project.

My role in this project taught me better leadership skills, greater compassion for others, more effective and efficient organizational skills, improved time management and lessened my personal apprehensions regarding public speaking.

Participation in this project was an unforgettable experience…..both personally and professionally… say the least!

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