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About Me

Hi, I’m Carrie! Nice to meet you!

I’m a recent graduate majoring in both Management Information Systems (MIS) and Marketing, while also earning a minor in Chinese. I love the level of creativity and innovation in both the technology and marketing fields – which is why I chose them for my degree. I am also intensely interested in other cultures and the diversity of people, leading to my choice of studying Chinese language and culture, studying abroad in Shanghai and Taiwan, and generally pursuing a wide variety of activities and interests.


My home is on a small family farm in Brooklyn, Iowa. From the beginning I was expected to help out with chores on the farm, such as caring for the animals. As I grew older I gradually became responsible for more managerial activities, such as tracking expenses and developing budgets, and that’s how I found my interest for business.


  • Mandarin Chinese: Conversational
  • Event Planning
  • Digital Marketing
  • Search Advertising: Google AdWords
  • Microsoft Office: Excel, Word, PowerPoint, Outlook
  • Creative Software: Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, Lightroom
  • Website Management: WordPress, PHP, HTML, CSS, Google Analytics
  • Basic Software: Salesforce CRM, Cvent, Veeva Vault PromoMats


  • Reading
  • Kung Fu
  • Drawing
  • Exercising (Running/Sports)
  • Cooking
  • Traveling
  • Games (Cards, etc.)

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