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Study Abroad

In order to improve my Chinese language ability and cross-cultural communication skills and knowledge, I chose to spend Fall 2016 abroad in Taiwan and the summer of 2013 abroad in Shanghai.



Date: Sept 2016 – Jan 2017
Location: National Taiwan University (NTU) in Taipei, Taiwan
Program: Temple University Semester Exchange

Night view of Taipei 101

Night view of Taipei 101 skyscraper in Taipei, Taiwan


– Business: International Business Strategy
– Culture, History, & Language: Historical Fictions in Postwar Taiwan, Film and Social Culture in Taiwan, Taiwan through the Lens of its Museums, Agriculture of Taiwan, Taiwan and Southeast Asian Arts

Activities: NTU Chang Hong Kung Fu Club (台大長洪武術社), International Student Information Exchange (ISIE), Language exchanges



Date: Jun – Aug 2013
Location: East China Normal University in Shanghai, China
Program: CIEE Summer Accelerated Chinese Language Program

With a desire to learn Mandarin Chinese, I set off the summer after my freshman to begin my learning from scratch with native speakers. Over the course of two months I took 10 credits of Chinese language classes through CIEE’s Summer Accelerated Chinese Language Program. This was one of my most rewarding summers because of the combination of exploration and learning I did.

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