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UX Design: 1 Overview

I took a UX design overview course, that taught me the structure of UX design development. UX design should always be user-centered therefore gathering intel from current and potential customers is crucial in ensuring that your website is user friendly. The design development is not limited to IT or marketing, it is a group effort, meaning that everyone is involved and needs to be on the same page so that there is a mutual understanding of what the customers are expected to be like and how we can solve their problems.

After collecting the proper information you can start to create different personas of potential customers: what their lifestyles are like, what they would be looking for, etc. Doing this allows for your team to see common issues the different customers could encounter. After identifying the main issues you and your team can start brainstorming ideas/solutions and start creating scenarios and storyboarding to better plan exactly how you’re going to implement the solutions.

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