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Professional Goals & Aspirations

As I mentioned in my Bio, I will embark on my professional career at KPMG. I hope to start working as a full time Audit Associate at KPMG in the fall of 2016, once I obtain my CPA certification. In terms quantitative goals further than that, it’s difficult to say. I am equal parts idealist and pragmatist. The pragmatist in me has set four major goals to accomplish in the next two years:

  1. Earn a full time offer from KPMG
  2. Obtain my BBA in Accounting
  3. Obtain my Master’s in Accountancy
  4. Pass the four CPA exams

On the other hand, the idealist in me has always found it difficult to plan five, ten, or twenty years in advance. The reality is that life is in a perpetual state of flux, and I am continually growing and adapting personally to the constant external changes in my life. To decisively state right now what I will want for myself ten years down the road seems a bit preposterous. The only world I’ve ever known is academia, so I find it hard to make predictions about my professional career with nothing to predicate those predictions upon.

I can say, however, that I plan to practice accountancy in some capacity in my professional career. My long term goals center around my purpose, which is to contribute my talents to a worthwhile and fulfilling effort that helps other people in some way. There may not seem to be an obvious correlation between this purpose and auditing Fortune 500 companies, but I believe that there is, indeed, a strong connection between the two. Although I remain pragmatic in my professional endeavors, I constantly keep my ideals and my purpose at the forefront of me mind, which will allow me to navigate my career eventually to a place that helps me to realize my overall goals.

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