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Cybercrime Webinar

This webinar was centered around cybercrime and spoken by Dr. Tessa Cole.

We started with a quick background of cybercrime, and two definitions of types of cybercrime, Dependent – needs to be online to commit crime vs Enabled – online just helps the crime, but it can be done without a computer.

One of the powers of cybercrime in the hands of criminals is more anonymity. Criminals often use aliases to mask their identity online, which makes it harder for agencies to track compared to in person crimes, where liability matters to location.

Tessa laid out some groundbreaking stats, such as the amount of identity thef and bank takeover that occurs digitally every year (200 million + cases yearly)

There are a couple problems insitutionally with cybercrime. Governmental, Finanical Agencies, and Technological factors leads to a lot of confusion and options for cybercriminals to infiltrate systems and take advantage of normal citizens. Often, governments are not interested in going after the criminals, because there is no money to be made in it.

Tessa makes three reccomendations for this issue: Harsher punishments, uniform sanction for computer crimes, and create more cybercrimal related laws instead of borrowing from real life crime (because the two are largely different)

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