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Work Experience

Working at Philadelphia Hide Brokerage Corporation has given me a lot of experience over the past year and eight months that I have been working there.  I work on getting most of the documents ready to go to the bank or the customer but it has given me knowledge of how a business really works.  My daily jobs include tracking the upcoming shipments for the coming week, working up new shipments, sending out to have export documents issued and then finally putting together the final set of documents that go out to the bank once the shipment has sailed.  I also work on some of the contracts and sending them out to customers.  I have also filled in for other employees while they were on vacation have worked on setting up different bookings with the steamship lines and dealing with other shipping problems that occur while the containers are on their way to the port.  Working here has shown me how prices of products fluctuate and how businesses need to be out in front of the changes so they can continue making a profit on every contract.

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