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Big Brothers Big Sisters

I am a volunteer at Big Brothers Big Sisters. I meet one-on-one with my 10 year old little sister from St. Malachy every Tuesday during the school year. We discuss background and engage in personal development activities. In addition to being a mandated reporter, my role is to be a role model and provide emotional support to Maleah. I find fulfillment in making a meaningful impact on a child’s life. Just knowing that I’m contributing to her well-being and future success is a strong motivator for me. The most recent time I visited her was on 11/14/2023 before the Thanksgiving break. We watched the movie Barbie. I learned more about her personality. I thought she was very considerate when she put clothes on the floor below my laptop so that it doesn’t get scratches. She also prepared tissues, water, and bowls for the snacks I brought.

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