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I am a huge fan of the Baltimore Ravens and Baltimore Orioles. My family and I live about 30 minutes outside of Baltimore, so I attend a lot of their home games every year. In addition, I am a fan of and love to watch every major or minor sport such as football, baseball, soccer, golf, etc. I believe that watching sports and having sports in my life have taught me many things in my life and I value that and the experiences I’ve had.



I also like to travel and explore new places. I have experienced just about all of Philadelphia, Baltimore, and Washington D.C. It is my goal to one day visit all 50 states in the United States and I’d like to travel to every single continent as well. It is really fun to me to get out and enjoy whatever you’re doing wherever you are.

I am very proud to admit that I am a passionate lover of food. Some of my favorite foods include Mexican and Italian as well as just about anything else. I enjoy trying new foods as well. For me, its not just about trying new foods, its about experiencing new and different cultures than my own!

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