Community Platform
  • Cyber-security
  • Data analytics
  • Data mining
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This Year
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1100 Points
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Academic History


Currently, I am a junior majoring in Management Information Systems. The courses I have completed have given me a solid foundation in the tools, processes, and methodologies involved in business applications and information technology.

Selected Courses:

  • Enterprise IT Architecture (2501)
  • Data Analytics (2502)
  • Data Centric Application Development (3501)
  • Digital Design and Innovation (3504)
  • Special Topics: Defending Against Cyber Crime (3580)




During my studies at Montgomery County Community College, I had the opportunity to gain practical experience through a project lead position for mobile application development. In addition, I gained valuable knowledge through a variety of computer science courses.

Selected Courses:

  • Computer Science: Programming Concepts (CIS 111)
  • Object-Oriented Programming (CIS 111B)
  • Computer Graphics (CIS148)
  • iPhone Application Programming (CIS 238)
  • Online Database Management Systems (CIS 245)





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