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Major GPA at Temple University: 2.94

Major: Risk Management & Insurance

Minor: Healthcare Management

Courses in Progress:

RMI 4596- Global Corporate Risk Management

BA 3101 – Integrative Applications

Completed Courses:

FIN 3101 – Financial Management

LGLS 1101 – The Legal Environment of Business

IB 3101 – Foundations of International Business

RMI 3504- Property & Liability Insurance Functions

BA 2196- Business Communications

BA 3102- Business Society & Ethics

ACCT 2102- Managerial Accounting

MSOM 3103- Operations Management

MKTG 2101- Marketing Management

RMI 3501- Life and Health Insurance and Employee Benefits

RMI 3502- Property and Liability Insurance Coverages

RMI 3682- Independent Study

STAT 2103- Business Statistics

MIS 2101- Information Systems and Organizations

ACCT 2101- Financial Accounting

RMI 2101 – Introduction to Risk Management

BA 2101- Professional Development Strategies

HCM 3501- Introduction to Health Services Systems

HCM 3502- Healthcare Financing and Information Technology

PBHL 1201- Contemporary Health Issues

STAT 1001- Pre-Calculus for Business

STAT 1102- Calculus for Business

HRM 1101- Leadership and Organizational Management

ECON 1101 – Macroeconomic Principles

ECON 1102- Microeconomic Principles

MATH 0824- Mathematical Patterns

MATH 1021- College Algebra

ENG 0802- Analytical Reading and Writing

KINS 1223- Human Anatomy & Physiology I

KINS 1224- Human Anatomy & Physiology II

KINS 3296- The Social-Psychology of Physical Activity

CHEM 1031 – General Chemistry I

CHEM 1033- General Chemistry Laboratory I

PSY 0818- Human Sexuality

PSY 1061- Psychology As a Social Science

PSY 1167- Fundamentals in Statistical Methods

PSY 2301- Developmental Psychology

SOC 2111- Sociology of Sports

LAS 0833- Race and Poverty in the Americas

POLS 0859- The Making of American Society

REL 2096- Death and Dying

MUSC 1407- Piano for Non-Music Major I


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