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Hobbies & Interests

302594_10150474034128345_2002015176_nUpon entering Temple I decided that I was going to play rugby and see how I liked it.  Having always played sports throughout my entire life but looking for something new, rugby seemed like the perfect fit! Little did I know, rugby would become my entire life.  There is honestly nothing I have ever felt more immersed in before.  I have found life long friends on both the Men and Women’s teams, I have developed my leadership skills by taking on the role of both treasurer and president and I have had the opportunity to travel to an array of schools and meet thousands of people who simply share the love of this game. Whether I continue playing once I leave Temple or not, I will always consider “Saturday a Rugby Day”.

The beach.  I didn’t truly value my 15 minute ride to the beach until I came to college.  It was all I or my friends ever knew.  I list the beach under my hobbies and interests because many of my hobbies and interests are nothing without the sand and the ocean.  Reading a book on the beach on a summer afternoon, soaking up the sun with a group of friends, cooling off in the ocean, surfing, beach runs, I could sit here and name the things I love to do at the beach for days, I even worked on the beach for seven years.  I love the time I am spending in the city right now but I find myself returning home for my beach fix more and more lately.

My final interest as of late would be my participation in the Pancreatic Cancer Action Network.  I have been looking to support a non-profit organization that I truly care about for a while now.  Pancreatic Cancer is extremely underfunded and fourth and rising on the list of the deadliest cancers in the United States. This is a cause that truly needs all of the support it can get and since Pancreatic Cancer has now touched my life personally, it was an easy decision to get involved with this cause.

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