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Interest and Hobbies


One thing I enjoy doing is playing music. The first instrument I learned how to play was the piano and I hated it. I was young, so I never appreciated the long practices and strict teachers. The second Instrument I picked up was the violin and I didn’t like playing that either. My third instrument was the clarinet, and guess what? I never liked that either. Eventually, I came across an instrument I finally liked, and that was the guitar. I loved the guitar and the way it sounded. I practiced everyday, for six hours teaching myself everything about the guitar and listening to one of my favorite guitarists, Andy Mckee. Its been 8 years since then and I’m still playing the guitar today, along with the drums, piano, bass, and the ukulele.



I love to help people and missions is one way I like to do that. Five years ago, I went on a missions trip to the Dominican Republic. Working and serving for the missionary opened my eyes, showing me the work that was being done spreading the word of God to others. It was an encouraging thing to witness and I continued to think and act by that. I haven’t gone on another missions trip due to work and school, but I do plan on going again when I graduate. In the mean time, I plan on doing volunteer work to help those in need.


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