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IBIT Mentorship Program

In the fall of 2023, I had the privilege of being selected to participate in the IBIT mentorship program. I was paired with Mr. Rich Rivara, the Chief Executive Officer of Wave6, a Salesforce consulting firm. By aligning my professional interests, Rich and I had insightful discussions with professionals from his team during our meetings. His advice significantly influenced my decision-making process when selecting an internship for the summer of 2024. Rich extended the offer to remain connected after the mentorship program.

The program gave me the opportunity to network and gain insights into the day-to-day activities of the professionals he introduced me to. It also gave me a mentor, Rich, who was a great role model to discuss coursework, internship opportunities, and industry news with.

Through this mentorship, I built a great professional relationship with my mentor and feel confident that I can continue to stay in touch with Rich and he will be there to help me. I am assured that his continued support and guidance will be an asset as I continue my professional journey.

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