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Interests and Hobbies

Interest and Hobbies

Sports 27069_110877745597751_2546872_n

Throughout my entire life I have had a strong interest in all different kinds of sports. Growing up I played basketball, baseball, soccer, and football. I learned many of my leadership skills through being captain of many of these teams. Being a part of a team has had a great impact on my ability to work in teams and have people’s back.


My entire life I have had ambitions of traveling around the world. I hope to one day be able to see amazing and exotic sights all over the planet. So far I have been to California, Florida, Texas, and Arizona.

Volunteer Workaha_logo

Throughout high school, I did a lot of volunteer work with the organization “Athletes Helping Athletes”, helping special needs children get an opportunity to play sports and be part of a team. Being a part of this group showed me the importance of organizational skills as well as helping others.

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