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Interests and Hobbies

Being a full-time student and working two part-time jobs often means that I do not have that much free time on my hands.  When I do find some time to myself I tend to use it wisely.  I have many interests and hobbies that I like to do in my free time.  I really enjoy playing and watching sports.  I am a die hard Philadelphia sports fan, especially when it comes to the Philadelphia Flyers.  I love attending their games and cheering for them in person.  I probably attend around 10 games a season including playoffs, it’s really an amazing atmosphere.  Although I love watching the Flyers play, I am no hockey player.  I like to play baseball, football and basketball with my friends whenever I have a chance.  I really enjoy spending time with my family and friends as well.  In between everything I usually just relax and watch television or spend time on the internet.  I like to be up to date when it comes to technology, I often find myself researching the newest product or newest software on the web.  I enjoy furthering my knowledge on products and software because in today’s society it is all about the newest and fastest product on the market and staying up to date is a popular thing to do.

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