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MIS 3535 Journal Entries

Week 1: February 6th

This week our group of PMs met with the BAs for our kick-off meeting.  Prior to the meeting I emailed the BAs to introduce myself and the other PMs, just to reach out and to solidify a date for our first meeting.  Our first meeting was very successful.  We discussed upcoming documents, the first interview they conducted, and talked about prototyping.  In our meeting I created a GroupMe, so that the BAs an PMs have a place to communicate and collaborate.  In our chat we have been discussing Scope documents, and early stages of the prototype in JIM.  I have been in contact with one of the BAs about prototyping and helping with the JIM software.  I feel like I could be a great help with the prototyping because I did a lot of that work for my own project.  Many the BAs have asked for assistance with Scope documents and I helped them out by creating a shared drive with files that I have from my 3504 class.  I feel like as PMs we have helped the BAs in every way so far, and I can personally say that I have done everything to help them.  No problems have come up with our group so far and our BAs are on track and keeping up with their workload and have helped us with ours as well.


Week 2: February 13th

This week our group of PMs met with our BAs in our weekly meeting on Sunday night.  In the meeting we worked on finalizing the Scope Document.  As we worked on that, I began to talk to some of the BAs about ideas for prototyping.  They showed me some websites they would like to emulate in the prototype for TU Press, they had some really good ideas.  The BA group went and spoke to their professor about the Scope to have it looked at the next day.  I spoke to professor Moustafellos about their meeting later that day and he said that they are a great group and they have a good Scope.  Over the next couple days we have discussed more prototyping ideas and are starting to see potential ideas that could be implemented.


Week 3: February 20th

This week I met with the BAs prior to one of their BA meetings to discuss their scope and see their progress with JIM.  They put final touches on the scope (for now) and confirmed with me that they were on task.  They also put the scope onto the Drive so that our PM group could look at/ revise it.  I also met with the BAs outside of the classroom at the Fox Design Challenge, we discussed the class a little then we focused on the challenge.  It was a good time where I had the chance to spend some time with the BAs outside the class discussing things other than the class itself.   Overall, they are doing great and are even ahead of the curve.


Week 4: February 27th

This week I met with the BAs outside of the classroom at the Design Challenge.  This was interesting because we were able to spend time and talk about topics outside of the class.  It has made me be able to get to know the BAs outside the classroom which makes working on the project together easier.  While we were outside the classroom, we also discussed material for the project and about prototyping ideas.


Week 5: March 6th

We did not meet in person this week, but did continue our conversation in our GroupMe chat.  We discussed prototyping ideas further and discussed more about information that was posted from past interviews.  Since everyone was on break and unable to meet, we will be meeting once we are all back at school to move on with prototyping and other deliverables.


Week 6: March 13th

This week our group continued our GroupMe conversation.  JustInMind prototyping is my main concern with the BAs lately, they are all willing to dive into the prototyping and have all made an effort to contribute.  In our meeting next week we will discuss prototyping more and I will add any insight to the prototype that I can.  The PMs continue to talk daily in our GroupMe chat about the project and about the progress of our BAs.


Week 7: March 20th 

This week we met with the BAs to check in on their progress on the project.  They have brainstormed a lot of great ideas but are still looking to find a solution that stands out and makes their solution unique and effective. We helped them and made sure they stayed on topic and within scope.  We helped the BAs decide who will be working on what and dedicating work accordingly.  I set the BAs up on JustInMind software so that they can share their website and work on it separately.  I have even been shared on the prototype so that I am able to monitor their prototype and guide them the right way.  They are all proficient with JIM and have shown that in their extra credits and early prototype drafts.


Week 8: March 27th

This week in the project I have been in contact with the Prototyping division of our BAs. Brainstorming solutions and applying those solutions to innovative ways on JIM to solve TU Press’ problems. Potential solutions have been drafted within JIM and will continue to be updated to better align with their needs. Over the weeks ahead we will continue to develop the initial prototype draft.


Week 9: April 3rd

This week in the project the PMs met with the BAs to edit the scope further and to check in on prototyping.  The prototype looks great, it is not finished but it really only needs some touching up in order to be.  The design is great and they implemented a lot of great ideas that really work well.  The design of the prototype is finished quality, but some features are missing that will be added this upcoming week.  We plan on meeting up again next week in order to add the finishing touches.  I have been added to the shared prototype in order to check on their progress more frequently.


Week 10: April 10th

This week in the project the PMs did not meet with the BAs but we continued our conversation via our group chat.  We planned to meet next week in order to check in on the BAs and to see the progress of the prototype.  I have been in contact with the prototyping group of BAs in order to check in and see the progress of the solution.  They have created a 3rd version of the prototype in JIM and I have been added to it to track the progress of it.  The quality is very high and not much has to be done to reach the final version.  I will continue to check in with them regarding it and will see their progress on Monday in our meeting.


Week 11: April 17th

This week in the project the PMs met with the BAs to see the most updated version of the prototype.  The prototype is of very high quality but it is not yet finished.  They plan on adding a couple more design qualities before it is finished.  They also went through their PowerPoint presentation so that we could provide feedback. They performed the presentation as if they were in front of the clients and they did very well.  We think they are in a great position and have a great project. We will meet prior to their presentation for one final quality check.


Week 12: April 24th

This week in the project the BAs presented their prototype solution in their presentation to the clients.  The team did great highlighting the main points of the solution and the client loved the new website design.  One client said she would like to implement their solution tomorrow if they could and also said she would love to hire the team.  It was great to hear that the client loved the solution after all of the hard work the team has put into it.  I believe we successfully delivered for the client and that the project was successful. The project is officially closed and our team has learned a lot from the experience.

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